James de la Cloche encourages you to
move your dreams forward with his personal story
The photographer shares his best tips for those that want to make a big change in life
“The journey has been even more challenging than I expected but it has been an amazing journey. I have learnt so many lessons through being open to what would come to me.”
He discovered meditation more than 22 years on his first visit to Chiang Mai, and after that his understanding on what is and isn’t important changed forever.
He decided that for the rest of his life he would dedicate himself to photography in a quest to bring happiness to others through his art. He was 49 when he walked away from a comfortable future to one which was going to be difficult and challenging with no clear path.
“The most important things I’ve learnt;
– Be kind and generous to others. Be kind to yourself
– When you are given a talent, don’t ignore it
– Always give your best, always look to improve
– Have a plan but be open to change”

You’ve talked about awakening moments, why do you think is important to stop and connect with yourself?
If you don’t take time to really connect with yourself, you are never truly alive, all too often living in the past or the future but, never in the now.
How you can meditate and create this habit?
Insight meditation is the key to connection with your true self. Learn to be in the present moment and you will find amazing inner peace and joy. To start this journey your breath can be your focus. Later on the path you can use any sensation, site or sound to keep you in the present.
Do you think it is important to reconnect with your inner self?
If you are not connected with your inner self, you are not really living a life, you are in a world of dreams, recreating events of the past and stories of the future. You need to rediscover the purity of true consciousness and learn to “be”
How can you listen to your inner voice?
As well as practicing insight meditation you can start by listening to your intuition. Have you ever had an uncomfortable, anxious feeling rooted somewhere in your solar plexus region? I ignored mine for nearly 50 years but now, if I feel it, I know that something is not right and I become more vigilant. Since I started listening to mine, it has always been right and, looking back to when I ignored it, I can recall that it was right back then too.
I don’t know if the sensation means the same thing for everyone but for me, it is definitely a warning. Do you know this feeling?
Do you think age can be a barrier to change your life?
It is never too late to change your life if you really want to. I was 49 when I made the change!
Which tips can you give someone who wants to make a change in the life?
If you are serious about making a change, don’t listen to all the excuses that your mind will create. Stay focused.
In my experience, your true purpose will present itself to you as it has to me. That which comes to you is meant be, that which you push, often are not for the best. Once you have discovered this purpose, providing you don’t ignore it, it will bring you strength to pursue the purpose for as long as possible.
You can push in directions to explore how they feel to. You but, unless you feel at total ease with it, like it was meant to be, it won’t be the one. In my own experience.
Could you explain us the blocks or barriers you’ve got when you changed your life at the age of 50?
Originally, I had expected to have income from properties that I owned. Because of the 2008 financial crisis, that was not to be the case if I still planned to make the change at 50, so, as I was not prepared to compromise my plan, I sold up, paid the bank, paid my taxes and I left anyway, knowing that I only had enough money to last for around 4 years.
Within 3 months of arrival, I went through an unexpected divorce after a 10 year marriage.
The following year, all my camera equipment was stolen, just 2 days before my son’s wedding in Koh Samui. I had spent years building up the equipment I would need and now it was gone. I could have used this as an excuse to give up my dream but instead, I took it as a test to my resolve to succeed.
4 years in I was out of money yet had a really strong feeling that everything would be ok if I just kept on my path. The feeling was right. Just when business started to reach the level I needed to be able to save some, Covid shut us all down but, now we are on the other side of that things are very good, fortunately!
How did you get forward even with the fears and barriers?
By staying present, by staying focused on my original goals.
Has it been worth it to make these changes?
Yes, although not at all what I was expecting (I was never going to photograph elephants!), these last 10 or more years have been an amazing adventure. I look at high and low points as equally important in this adventure and I hope to stay strong to keep enjoying the adventure for many years to come.
One sentence to encourage someone that has fears and can’t move forward the direction he or she wants
Start focusing on the present instead of projecting everything that could possibly go wrong, going wrong! Your ego will come up with a million reasons not to make the change, you have to be very strong and create a plan which you then stick to
Which habits can help you in these periods?
Insight meditation helps you focus your mind and to clarify your thoughts.
Fitness and exercise, to prepare you for the challenges ahead. A regular fitness routine will also help you to focus better. My fitness is definitely a major help with my work and exercise is a very important part of my daily routine.
Learn to live within your means, your future success may take longer than you think. People look at me now and see how busy I am but, this didn’t happen overnight. I knew that I had talent as a photographer and I always believed that I could “make it” but, the direction didn’t become clear for many years after I had moved to Thailand. If I had not remained focused on my end goal, I might have given up.
You’ve talked about awakening moments, why do you think is important to stop and connect with yourself?
If you don’t take time to really connect with yourself, you are never truly alive, all too often living in the past or the future but, never in the now.
How you can meditate and create this habit?
Insight meditation is the key to connection with your true self. Learn to be in the present moment and you will find amazing inner peace and joy. To start this journey your breath can be your focus. Later on the path you can use any sensation, site or sound to keep you in the present.
Do you think it is important to reconnect with your inner self?
If you are not connected with your inner self, you are not really living a life, you are in a world of dreams, recreating events of the past and stories of the future. You need to rediscover the purity of true consciousness and learn to “be”
How can you listen to your inner voice?
As well as practicing insight meditation you can start by listening to your intuition. Have you ever had an uncomfortable, anxious feeling rooted somewhere in your solar plexus region? I ignored mine for nearly 50 years but now, if I feel it, I know that something is not right and I become more vigilant. Since I started listening to mine, it has always been right and, looking back to when I ignored it, I can recall that it was right back then too.
I don’t know if the sensation means the same thing for everyone but for me, it is definitely a warning. Do you know this feeling?
Do you think age can be a barrier to change your life?
It is never too late to change your life if you really want to. I was 49 when I made the change!
Which tips can you give someone who wants to make a change in the life?
If you are serious about making a change, don’t listen to all the excuses that your mind will create. Stay focused.
In my experience, your true purpose will present itself to you as it has to me. That which comes to you is meant be, that which you push, often are not for the best. Once you have discovered this purpose, providing you don’t ignore it, it will bring you strength to pursue the purpose for as long as possible.
You can push in directions to explore how they feel to. You but, unless you feel at total ease with it, like it was meant to be, it won’t be the one. In my own experience.
Could you explain us the blocks or barriers you’ve got when you changed your life at the age of 50?
Originally, I had expected to have income from properties that I owned. Because of the 2008 financial crisis, that was not to be the case if I still planned to make the change at 50, so, as I was not prepared to compromise my plan, I sold up, paid the bank, paid my taxes and I left anyway, knowing that I only had enough money to last for around 4 years.
Within 3 months of arrival, I went through an unexpected divorce after a 10 year marriage.
The following year, all my camera equipment was stolen, just 2 days before my son’s wedding in Koh Samui. I had spent years building up the equipment I would need and now it was gone. I could have used this as an excuse to give up my dream but instead, I took it as a test to my resolve to succeed.
4 years in I was out of money yet had a really strong feeling that everything would be ok if I just kept on my path. The feeling was right. Just when business started to reach the level I needed to be able to save some, Covid shut us all down but, now we are on the other side of that things are very good, fortunately!
How did you get forward even with the fears and barriers?
By staying present, by staying focused on my original goals.
Has it been worth it to make these changes?
Yes, although not at all what I was expecting (I was never going to photograph elephants!), these last 10 or more years have been an amazing adventure. I look at high and low points as equally important in this adventure and I hope to stay strong to keep enjoying the adventure for many years to come.
One sentence to encourage someone that has fears and can’t move forward the direction he or she wants
Start focusing on the present instead of projecting everything that could possibly go wrong, going wrong! Your ego will come up with a million reasons not to make the change, you have to be very strong and create a plan which you then stick to
Which habits can help you in these periods?
Insight meditation helps you focus your mind and to clarify your thoughts.
Fitness and exercise, to prepare you for the challenges ahead. A regular fitness routine will also help you to focus better. My fitness is definitely a major help with my work and exercise is a very important part of my daily routine.
Learn to live within your means, your future success may take longer than you think. People look at me now and see how busy I am but, this didn’t happen overnight. I knew that I had talent as a photographer and I always believed that I could “make it” but, the direction didn’t become clear for many years after I had moved to Thailand. If I had not remained focused on my end goal, I might have given up.